Strategies to ease pain of health care costs

Ease the Pain of Health Care Costs in Retirement

by Kimberly Lankford, Kiplinger’s Retirement Report

February 2016

“This number should hurt a lot: The average 65-year-old couple will pay $240,000 in out-of-pocket costs for health care during retirement, according to Fidelity Investments. And that does not include potential long-term-care costs.

Critical, yes. Incurable, no. The worst thing you can do is take to your bed and expect the pain will go away with an aspirin or two. The best medicine is to make sure your retirement plan takes into account this large line item — and to find ways to cut future costs or develop income streams to pay expenses.images (50)

It’s easy to see how the costs can add up. Just Medicare premiums alone for 25 years — for standard Part B (which pays for outpatient care), a Part D prescription-drug policy and a Medigap supplemental insurance policy — will set a couple back close to $200,000. And that does not include dental and vision care, hearing aids, and out-of-pocket drug costs. A Medicare Advantage plan could cost somewhat less. Thank goodness Part A, which pays for hospital care, is free.

In your planning, prepare for unexpected spikes in spending, such as a new dental crown. Also, adjust your estimates for inflation, perhaps by 4% a year. And if you expect to live longer than average, plan for those extra years.

Here are some strategies to ease the pain of an acute case of health care costs.”

Read more at:

Hydration and the elderly

United States presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (age 68) has been in the news lately due to dehydration issues. I have never been much for drinking water either so I recently added the free Water Drink Reminder app to my phone. It reminds me to drink water and I log my intake throughout the day to make sure I am drinking enough.  It has helped me to become more hydrated.  Maybe Mrs. Clinton should add the app to her cell phone.

The Hydration 4 Health website reports the following about Hydration and the Elderly:old woman drinking water

“As we get older, body water content decreases, the risk for dehydration increases, and the consequences become more serious.

Dehydration has been associated with increased mortality rates among hospitalized older adults1 and can precipitate emergency hospitalization and increase the risk of repeated stays in hospital.2,3

Dehydration is a frequent cause of hospitalization of older adults and one of the ten most frequent diagnoses responsible for hospitalization in the United-States.3
Evidence suggests high dehydration rates of elderly patients within hospitals and other health care institutions.2

Dehydration has also been associated with various morbidities, such as impaired cognition or acute confusion, falling or constipation.”

Read more at:


Healthy, vibrant aging tips

healthy vibrant agingHealthy Living Made Simple

by Joyce Dillon

July/August 2015

“Why just survive as you age when you can thrive?

The human body is a beautiful, intricate system that functions at its best when we consciously care for each part of the whole: our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self. If we neglect even just one seemingly small part of our body’s system, our whole body tends to not function at its highest potential. So, to enjoy a long, healthy and vibrant life, I suggest you develop and maintain those four key areas by incorporating these 10 tips.

  1. Love yourself – Aging well begins and ends with love. Practice giving and receiving love; it will change your life. Embracing and sharing love is the key to living well and maintaining a youthful spirit.
  2. Keep learning – Stay informed about current issues, technology and health trends. Be open and willing to meet new people. Travel to unknown destinations. Read and learn something new each day. Learning keeps your brain active and sharp.
  3. Laugh – Laughter really is great medicine because it’s a natural stress reducer. Laughing releases chemicals in our bodies that can drive away pain and fear, two emotions usually associated with aging, so laugh often. If you have to, buy a laugh: Rent a movie.
  4. Exercise – Keep your feet moving daily. Impaired mobility and balance are top aging concerns, for good reason. Daily exercise and foot care are extremely important because your feet make movement possible. Benefits of regular exercise include less depression, increased alertness, clearer thinking, improved ability to handle stress, and enjoyment of a positive mood. Start now, get moving, dance and kick up your heels.
  5. Eat well and healthy – Learn about antioxidants, phytonutrients and essential fatty acids; consume them every day. Prepare or buy savory food for yourself, and enjoy. Make mealtime a pleasure. Avoid eating in front of the TV while you watch stressful news.”

Read the entire article for tips 6-10 as well as advice for “a day in the life of a  healthy aging individual”

Joyce Dillon, RN, MN, BCC, is the founder of Joyce Dillon Inc.  She is a certified life and wellness coach, holistic nurse, author and intuitive painter.

I just joined SilverSneakers!


“Did you know… 1 out of 5 people 65 or older is eligible for a SilverSneakers membership!

If you’re a group retiree, or part of a Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement Health plan, you may already have a SilverSneakers membership. This active adult wellness program is offered to many Medicare plans across the nation. To find out if your health plan offers the SilverSneakers® Fitness program, visit their health plan locator.

Can’t find your health plan? Call your health plan’s customer service number and ask when it will add this valuable benefit.

Looking for more information on well-being? Visit Healthways FIT to seek expert advice on nutrition, fitness and stress management; watch exercise videos; and much more!

The program is at no cost to members!

See if you are eligible for SilverSneakers to get started today.”

Check Eligibility


I checked my eligibility and now I’m a member!  All I had to do was print out a card and take it to my community recreation center to register with them.  I can now access many of their fitness classes for FREE and I’m not even 65!  It was an easy process and only took a couple of minutes.

For more information check the website.

Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage: Know the Pitfalls


Are you a happy baby boomer?

happy baby boomersWhat exactly is a happy baby boomer?

Scott Hanson, author of Personal Decision Points: 7 Steps to Your Ideal Retirement Transition and “A Baby Boomer’s Four Keys to Happiness”

August 14, 2016

“If you’re a member of the Baby Boomer Generation, study after study reveals that your expectations for well-being in retirement are different from those of any generation that’s come before.

While this may be a deeply personal inquiry, according to the most in-depth study of its kind, (Triumphs of Experience: The Men of the Harvard Grant Study), when you consider what it means to be happy, there are a few common threads by which Baby Boomers are bound. Which raises the question, how can Boomers live well and retire happily?

Read more