Hydration and the elderly

United States presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (age 68) has been in the news lately due to dehydration issues. I have never been much for drinking water either so I recently added the free Water Drink Reminder app to my phone. It reminds me to drink water and I log my intake throughout the day to make sure I am drinking enough.  It has helped me to become more hydrated.  Maybe Mrs. Clinton should add the app to her cell phone.

The Hydration 4 Health website reports the following about Hydration and the Elderly:old woman drinking water

“As we get older, body water content decreases, the risk for dehydration increases, and the consequences become more serious.

Dehydration has been associated with increased mortality rates among hospitalized older adults1 and can precipitate emergency hospitalization and increase the risk of repeated stays in hospital.2,3

Dehydration is a frequent cause of hospitalization of older adults and one of the ten most frequent diagnoses responsible for hospitalization in the United-States.3
Evidence suggests high dehydration rates of elderly patients within hospitals and other health care institutions.2

Dehydration has also been associated with various morbidities, such as impaired cognition or acute confusion, falling or constipation.”

Read more at:  http://www.h4hinitiative.com/everyday-hydration/how-your-needs-change-over-time/hydration-and-elderly


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