Occasionally, some of my lady friends (most over the age of 65) and I meet at the corner of the street in our quiet little neighborhood. One day this summer, I was telling Flora and Lee about working on my will and funeral arrangements. I shared with them that I thought funeral planning should be done with friends, kind of like the old Tupperware parties, with door prizes and snacks to make it more enjoyable. We discussed cremation vs. burial and how I wanted my family to have a party to celebrate my life when I died. Then Lee told me she had an interesting article she wanted me to read which discussed that very idea. Here it is:

Planning for one last party
by Valerie McCullough for the Loveland Reporter-Herald
August 4, 2016
“How does one go about planning their own funeral?
That’s my question.
I’m perfectly healthy now, but when I read the obits of people decades younger than me, I realize it’s time to sketch some plans.
The actuarial table tells me I will live nine more years. I don’t know how they come up with these figures. I can’t imagine I have so many years left.
Besides in nine more years my mind may be too addled to plan anything.
On the other hand, another two years would be nice, so I can tear up the terrible cellphone contract I just signed
But if I live too long, the warranties on my two knee replacements will expire before I do.
So there’s no perfect time to die. But, trust me, it’ll happen. To all of us.
Our four daughters find my funeral planning ghoulish, but I know it will be easier on everyone to have plans in place ahead of time.” Read more
According to the Funeral and Memorial Information Council, “In 2015, 69 percent of adults over the age of 40 indicated they would prefer to pre-arrange their own service; however, only 17 percent had made arrangements.”