It is early Sunday morning and I’m driving alone down the paved highway to my Twin Sisters Peak hiking destination near Estes Park, Colorado. It is also my 62nd birthday. Suddenly the concrete path in front of me reminds me of my long solo drive to Iowa for my father’s funeral back in 2013. My dad would have been 88 today; I shared his birthday. We shared many birthday memories including separate birthday cakes, meals at the Amana Colonies and many birthday phone calls, including our last birthday call before his passing.
Today, in my side pocket of my hiking pants is the once gold plated pocket watch I gave my dad when I was 18 or 19 years old. Engraved with an “O” on the outside and the words, “To Dad With Love,” on the inside, it was a special gift.

When I was a little girl growing up on the farm, my dad wore a pocket watch tied with a shoelace instead of a chain. The other end of the shoelace was fastened with a safety pin to a front pocket in his blue striped overalls. Often times he broke the glass face so I purchased a watch with a cover like a locket. The watch came with a chain and a small pocket knife attached.

After retiring from farming full time, my dad moved to a small home in Palo, Iowa. Within a few short years, the 2008 Cedar River flood displaced him from his home. During the clean up phase of reconstructing my dad’s house, the treasured pocket watch was found. It survived but now wears a yellow tinged face.
I toted dad’s pocket watch throughout my hike today, rubbing it once in awhile for good luck and to remind me of dad. I loved sharing my birthday with dad and today I shared my hike with him; he loved Colorado. Since his passing in 2013, my birthdays have been bittersweet. This year I wanted my birthday memories to be happy and they were. Happy birthday dad, with love!

Loved this story, Sherry. I have my grandfather’s pocket watch which I bring out every few months.
Oh, I am so glad the story touched your heart. These little treasures mean so much because of who they used to belong to. Family is so precious. Sherry
A nice tribute to Dad and a great way to spend a birthday!
Thank you Sue. Just tried to find a way to enjoy my birthday this year while including Dad. I felt his presence. The hike itself kicked my butt but glad I did it. A beautiful day with few people on the trail.