At 101, Kaur runs and wins the race…

I’m not sure I could even run 100 yards and I’m only 57!  Maybe I could start running for fitness though…

101-year-old woman wins 100 metre sprint Kaur

By Adam Boult, The Telegraph

“Man Kaur, a 101-year-old Indian woman, racked up her 17th gold medal this week at the World Masters Games in Auckland, New Zealand, completing the 100 metre sprint in one minute 14 seconds.

Truth be told, she was the sole competitor in the race, with no other runners coming forward to take part in the 100-years-and-over category.

Speaking to reporters via an interpreter, Kaur said after the race: ‘I enjoyed it and am very, very happy. I’m going to run again, I’m not going to give up. I will participate, there’s no full stop.’

Kaur started participating in athletics events eight years ago, at the age of 93, following encouragement from her son Gurdev Singh, 78, who also competes in the Masters Games.”

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Planting seeds and memories

Planting memories

Spring has sprung and so have seeds and memories.  My daughter wanted to start some seeds inside with her five-year-old daughter this spring.  She asked if I would help.  Being an avid gardener since my 4-H days on the farm and loving to spend time with my family, I was delighted to assist.

I bought a 36-count box of the refill Jiffy Peat Pellets, found one of the trays my daughter and I used to start seeds in when she was a girl and I headed over to their house.  My three grandkids, my daughter and I piled into her vehicle (it had the three car seats) and headed to Lowe’s for some seeds.  We carefully selected marigolds, cosmos, cucumbers, sweet peas, cilantro, and sweet peppers.

Planting memories

Once the boys were down for their afternoon naps, we got busy planting seeds.  First, my granddaughter, Jovie, and I placed all the peat pellets in the tray.  Next, my daughter added warm water  and we all watched as the peat pellets expanded as they absorbed the water.  Then we made little indentations in the top of each pellet.  Jovie’s slender little fingers were just the right size to gently place two or three seeds in each one.  She carefully pinched the peat over the top of the precious seeds and now the tray of peat pellets was ready to be covered and placed in a sunny window. Lastly, we placed a heating pad under the tray and turned it on for an hour or so.

Planting memories
March 24, 2017 (slc)

Driving away from their home that day I felt very blessed to have such a loving family and to be able to share my passion for gardening with them.  Planting seeds and memories.

Two days later, I received a phone call from Jovie who excitedly told me some of the marigold seeds had sprouted.  It was supposed to take at least 7-14 days for most of the seeds to come up but the heating pad accelerated that timing.  I told Jovie that she had a “green thumb.” She did not know what that meant so I had the pleasure of explaining it to her.  A new generation of gardeners has sprung. Planting memories.

planting memories

A “school for grannies fulfilling life-long dreams”

Widows, Some Aged 90, Start School Near Mumbai, Families Drop Them Off

“Meditations of the heart” from Missy Buchanan


Living With Purpose in a Worn-Out Body: Spiritual Encouragement for Older Adults by Missy Buchanan

I purchased this book of “meditations of the heart” to send to my elderly mom who has been struggling with why she is still on this earth.  She often says, “God must not want me yet.  There must be a reason I am still here.” My mom has a purpose as we all do.

The following is an excerpt from this encouraging book of meditations:

“What Purpose, God?

I confess there are days when pain suffocates my passion for living.

There are dark nights when fear chokes out hope.

Sometimes I wonder why you have left me on this earth.

I have outlived so many family and friends.  Why do I linger?

What purpose could you have for me now?

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2016 bathroom remodel

Vanity area before (Photo by slc)
Shower area before (Photo by slc)

Reasons for bathroom remodel: tub reglazed by previous owner made it too slick to stand in safely, cracked tile floor grout, granite tile counter, short toilet, old/moldy tub/shower, outdated shower fixtures, short shower head, one unnecessary doorway and hallway, popcorn ceiling, poorly patched walls

Initial Budget:  $7,000        Actual:  $10,500

I started this six-week remodel by removing the popcorn ceiling texture and the shower door enclosure. I used a small garden sprayer to apply water to the ceiling and then scraped the popcorn off.  It was messy but easy. Taking off the shower door was also an easy process.  I saved all the parts and put it up for sale on Craigslist after the Habitat for Humanity Restore turned down the donation.  No takers on Craigslist so I ended up putting it in the landfill. Bummer!

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Single, retired and thriving?

single retirees
Getty Images

How to Thrive as a Single Person in Retirement

You can enjoy an active and fulfilling retirement with the right attitude and thoughtful preparation.

By Dave Hughes | Contributor to U.S. News & World Report Feb. 9, 2017

“If you are single, you probably have some concerns about your retirement that people with partners are less likely to experience. Married retirees may someday encounter these same issues if one spouse passes before the other. With awareness and proper planning, you can be better situated to enjoy a happy and secure retirement. Here are four ways you can thrive as a single person in retirement:

  • Cultivate a support network
  • Build your social network
  • Consider alternative living arrangements
  • Be willing to travel solo

…While being retired as a single person does present some challenges, you can still enjoy an active, happy and fulfilling retirement with the right attitude and thoughtful preparation.”

For more specifics on thriving as single retirees

Dave Hughes is the founder of Retire Fabulously.

Find peace, strength, guidance and forgiveness in prayer

“Our Foolishness, His Faithfulness”prayer

An Excerpt from #84-22
Presented on The Lutheran Hour on January 29, 2017
By Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus, Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour
Copyright 2017 Lutheran Hour Ministries

“…When you look back at your life, are you haunted by wrong and shameful things you have done or said or thought? Have you committed acts which you struggle to keep hidden from everyone else; acts which twist your stomach into knots, which bring a blush to your cheeks and rob you of sleep? Now let me ask, ‘What has the world done to bring you lasting and permanent peace?’ If you are like most, you will have to admit the world has no medication, no program, no philosophical plan which can remove those sins and soothe your conscience. Let me continue. When you think of your own mortality and the moment you will breathe your last, do you ever wonder what will happen next? Are you absolutely convinced that death is the end of everything or do you, every so often, get a fleeting feeling that there is something more and you aren’t prepared for what’s going to happen? Have you ever longed to have something, someone in whom you can place your trust… someone who is absolutely reliable and will always be there for you?

If so, I encourage you, abandon any attitude which has labeled the cross as being foolish. The crucified and risen Christ came to erase those sins which trouble your days and upset your nights. He has come to give you a peace which the world cannot give. Look to the cross and empty grave of Jesus and know that, right now, a living Lord extends His nail-pierced hands to you in welcome. Jesus says, ‘Come to me and I will listen, I will carry your concerns; I will hear your prayers; I will comfort your soul and my love for you will never end.‘”