Testing Driver’s Safety
“When it comes to driving, there is no set age at which people become less safe when they’re behind the wheel. Safety largely depends on the older driver’s physical and mental health, which of course vary widely from person to person. The following issues can be warning signs that suggest that you or an older adult in your care should get tested for their ability to drive safely:
- Getting lost in familiar areas
- Ignoring traffic signs and signals
- Becoming easily agitated or angered when driving
- Falling asleep or inability to concentrate when driving
- Reacting too slowly to dangerous situations
- Forgetting or ignoring driving basics – when to yield right of way, for example
- Having trouble judging distances
Several tests and reviews can help determine how safe a driver an older adult may be. If you suspect that an older adult you care for is having difficulty driving safely, consider taking these actions:
- Start with a good physical
- Have their vision checked
- Get a driving evaluation
- Consider cognitive testing
- Check your state’s rules
- Know what medications the older driver is taking”