After publishing my last post about special cookbooks, I posted a recipe I found in one of my mom’s cookbooks. The recipe was for Pride of Iowa Cookies. I posted it to the I Grew Up in Iowa Facebook page on October 27th. Since then, the post has received 941 likes, 180 comments and 646 shares. A recipe! I did not realize sharing recipes and memories about recipes could be so important.

Some of the many different wonderful comments and memories I received after sharing this old recipe:
- I made these cookies for the Hardin Co. Fair when I was in 4-H. And I did get a ribbon. Would have been late 40s, early 50.
- Wow, those are a blast from the past. I made those for a 4-H fair project.
- My Mom’s best cookie recipe. Of course she added chocolate chips or raisins.
- My mother used to make these when I was growing up and they were delicious.
- I also made those cookies as 4-H project. If I remember correctly I won a blue ribbon. Good chewy cookie.
- Oh, man alive, those are good cookies! My friend’s grandma used to make those for us, & she sent them in a plastic lard bucket, so we always called them “Lard Cookies”, but I know they were “Pride of Iowa.”
- This post made this depressed person so happy. Seeing everyone light up with joy remembering these from their past. Really made my heart happy
- I just found a recipe card with this from my mom
- My favorite oatmeal cookie. A 4-H staple 50 years ago.
- Great recipe! Was given this by my neighbor when we moved to Iowa And we still enjoy it !
- My mom made these, and the recipe is in her recipe box. Yummy!!
- Love these cookies, one of our families favorites!
- I am going to make cookies for Christmas this year. Think I’ll try to remember to make these.
- You know my grandma made these often.
- I think this is the recipe my Mom uses that my Grandma used to make. Yum!
- Thanks for sharing!! These were my favorite cookies growing up. My mom made them often.
- If nothing else I need to try these just because of the name since I am a born & bred Iowan
- One of my Grandma’s favorite recipes
- My mother in law made these, they were so good!
- Thank you for sharing!!! Mom’s always had the best!
Hard to believe one old recipe could bring so many joyful memories to so many. Many of you are probably going through your recipes today or tomorrow in preparation for a Thanksgiving meal. Maybe this holiday season you too can share an old family favorite and the memorable stories behind the recipe.
Thank God for our family and friends from the past and in the present. Happy Thanksgiving!