Normally, when I venture 25 miles west to my cabin in the woods I do so with a plan of work in mind. Insulating, watering, cleaning, moving, cutting. But today God had a different plan for me and I actually found myself listening to God and Heidi.
First, I took the wind chimes off the hook from behind my shed door and I hung them on the shepherd’s crook as I always do upon my arrival in the Glen. I read somewhere that they help keep bears away. I like that idea but I also love the delicate sound they make. Next, I went about emptying out my vehicle and staging the tools and water where I would need them.

Instead of starting in on the work I had planned, I planted the irises I brought from my yard in town. These are very special irises. They are from my garden club friends Betty and Marie. Betty, the rosarian, shared them with Marie and Marie lovingly shared them with me. These beautiful ladies are now in Heaven attending to God’s garden. And now some of their spirit, through their irises, endures at my cabin in Glen Haven.
It rained here last night or early this morning so I don’t have to water plants today. Instead, I sat down at my picnic table to begin a book author Heidi Herman and her publisher sent me to review. The book On With the Butter! Spread More Living onto Everyday Life is small but mighty so far. After just one chapter, I had to write.
A loud call of a crow warns me that my dog little Goldi is chasing a small black squirrel she wanted to meet. A hummingbird wizzes by as the tall pines add background music with the sound of the wind. Yellow wildflowers abound under my feet and around the picnic table where I relax and write.
Time to stop for a minute to pick a few flowers to add a bouquet to my table.
I am so glad I am listening to God, and Heidi, today to stop and enjoy the day at my Memory Lane Mountain Retreat. How about you? Are you listening to God these days?