This title is the name of an incredible Facebook group page by Deborah Ives I discovered recently. The whole name of the site is Solo In Style: Women Over 50 Traveling Solo & Loving It! It is a private group with 232K inspiring members.
In case you haven’t heard, women over 50 are leading the boom in solo travel with single, divorced and widowed women feeling more empowered, confident and financially independent than ever before.
Deborah Ives, Solo In Style
This morning, I read this impassioned post on the site by Lucinda Kang which began: “I wanted to share my experience after reading so many of your beautiful stories – told with vulnerability and love. While I am sorry many of you are going through painful crossroads, I am inspired by your strength and emboldened by this community of care amongst strangers.”

Lucinda summed up this Facebook page beautifully. It is full of vulnerability and love, painful crossroads, strength and emboldened women who travel around the world in search of themselves, adventure and freedom. The site is full of inspiration and encouragement