Vintage Tupperware

Vintage Tupperware
Part of my personal collection, Photo by slc

How many of you use Tupperware on a weekly or even daily basis?  I certainly do.  When I bake, I get flour and brown sugar from my see through canisters and I use my yellow measuring spoons and cups for measuring baking powder and almond extract.  When I need to save leftovers, I pull out my Tupperware.  If you are like me, you bought most of your Tupperware years ago at a friend’s or your own Tupperware party.  These days I find shelves and shelves of Tupperware at flea markets and antique stores labeled “Vintage Tupperware.” 

According to Wikipedia, “Tupperware was developed in 1946 by Earl Silas Tupper (a chemist) in Leominster, Massachusetts.  He developed plastic containers used in households to contain food and keep them airtight, which featured a then-patented ‘burping seal.’  While Tupper invented the container’s seal, it was Brownie Wise who created the infamous Tupperware Party and the concept of home party businesses.”

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