Most of us have heard about the non-profit organization Habitat for Humanity or even shopped in their thrift stores called the ReStore. We know Habitat builds affordable housing for selected families who qualify. Did you know the houses they build aren’t built brick by brick, but book by book?

A couple of weeks ago, I was browsing in one of my favorite thrift stores, the local Habitat ReStore. This particular ReStore has a wonderful used book selection. While purchasing another furniture refinishing project, I asked the manager if they needed any help shelving books. His answer was, “Let me introduce you to the man who works in the book section.” I met Steve, a retired gentleman, who had been volunteering for Habitat for many years. He showed me around and welcomed my help. I started volunteering the next day.

Now, feeling like Belle in the Beauty and the Beast, I am a bookseller and I am loving it. Steve does a wonderful job sorting, cleaning and shelving the hundreds of books donated to Habitat. Before I showed up, he didn’t really have time to sort fiction into categories like romance, mystery, and fantasy. That’s where I came in. Now, Steve and I sort books into specific genres making it easier for patrons to find their favorite books. We have also pulled several rare, out-of-print, and new books for special pricing and shelving.
An avid reader throughout my adult life and a former marketing coordinator at Barnes and Noble, volunteering as a bookseller at the ReStore suits me. Now, I am helping my local community by raising money to build affordable housing book by book.
Are you doing something in your community? Tell us about it in the comments below.