A three hundred pound cast iron bathtub sits propped on a large granite rock on the east side of my rustic cabin. While it has a few pine needles and rain water in it in the photo, the inside porcelain finish is in really good condition and just needs new paint on the outside. This vintage tub didn’t have any feet or hardware attached.
I’ve raked up and removed brittle pine needles and cones pretty much since day one of owning the Glen Haven property. While cleaning up around the cast iron tub recently, I surprisingly unearthed three cast iron claw feet for the tub.

Since finding the three claw feet I have searched for the fourth to no avail. Do you think it is still out there somewhere? I have found similar ones in antique stores for about $15 each. If I don’t find the fourth one, I may buy one so I no longer have a three-legged bathtub. Or is it three-footed?
Now the decision I have to make is whether to keep the vintage cast iron tub to reuse it in the cabin remodel. It may cost more in the long run to restore it as I know the hardware alone can be expensive. They take a lot of water to fill one. Another concern I have is whether I would be able to get in and out of it when I get older.
What would you do? Keep it or sell it and use the proceeds for a new shower/tub? Please let me know your thoughts.