Ever use a massage gun?

If you’re like me, you suffer from a few aches and pains, especially as we get older. Going to my massage therapist or chiropractor was great before I retired as I could afford the much needed therapy. But with a limited retirement income, those regular therapeutic visits have become financially challenging. I saw a television commercial advertising a massage gun. However, I did not purchase one until I tried one out on my shoulder at a friends’ office. The owner of the massager recommended it and I was sold.

I purchased the Sonic Deep Tissue, Percussion Muscle Massage Gun from Amazon last July. It came in a sturdy case along with eight massage heads. With several different levels of intensity, you are sure to find relief from strained or stiff muscles as I have. It keeps me virtually pain free in between my periodic massage therapy visits.

This massager currently sells for $119.99 on Amazon.com and I do not make any money off of your purchase. Enjoy!

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