What to get mom for Mother’s Day

What to get mom for Mother's Day
Painting by my daughter years ago, Photo by slc

It’s that time of year and the question comes up again, what do I get mom for Mother’s Day?  Most moms I know, myself included, don’t need anything this Mother’s Day, but she may want to add to her already unique collection of memories you have together. 

When our children were born, most of us collected items for a baby book.  I have my daughter’s hospital bracelet and every card from family and friends who helped welcome her birth.  The memories of that special day were precious and undeniably filled with love, and a little bit of pain.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Memories of firsts are big.  First tooth, first words, first solid food, first crawl, first steps, first day of school, first books, first dance, first swim lesson, first driving lesson, first apartment, first boyfriend, first, and only, wedding, and first grandchild.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Most of my memories I viewed through a camera lens.  I captured memories through countless photos and videos of every vacation, school and sporting event.  You name it, I took a picture or video of it.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Shopping with my daughter also fills my vast collection of memories.  Shopping for school clothes, prom dresses and a wedding dress and accessories were highlights.  I still can’t believe the original wedding dress we ordered at least nine months ahead of time never came due to a crooked shop owner. We had to find and order another one with only two months to spare.  We did it though!  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Holidays were also special memories. How many Halloweens was I still sewing a costume until the last minute to get it just right?  There were ballerina, witch, scarecrow, and princess costumes and even a Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz costume.  I sewed love into every stitch.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

A year or two ago I went through the many boxes I collected of my daughter’s pre-K through high school writings, handmade cards, and art projects I saved.  It took me several days to touch, read and decide to keep or toss each item in those boxes.  It was a special time of reliving those special memories.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

So, if you are asking yourself what do I get mom for Mother’s Day, just plan to make a new memory by making a phone call or spending some time with her.  That’s what I want and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“The best things in life aren’t things.”


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