Nursing home phones keep families connected

nursing home phone

Alexander Graham Bell’s dream was for there to be a telephone in every major city. My dream is one day there will be nursing home phones or a similar device in every resident’s room so families can stay connected.

Monta Fleming wrote in her blog post, The Importance of the Phone for the Elderly, “Reliable communication is such a common, ordinary thing that we do not even think about it anymore. The invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 revolutionized the way we think about communication. Now, today, we have cell phones and email as well as landlines. But, to many of the elderly, a phone is their only source of communication with the outside world.” This is the case with my Mom who is currently in a nursing home under hospice care.

After Mom entered the nursing home for skilled nursing care on May 17th, I learned she did not have access to a phone in her shared room. Something I did not even consider when I toured the facility and three others. I have since learned that by federal law, nursing home residents have certain rights; one of them is the use of a telephone.

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